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I enjoy all my favourite foods and I can honestly say I have never felt so healthy and full of energy, but this was not always the case.


I used to skip meals and deprive myself of things I enjoyed doing because I felt guilty. Guilty that I should be using my time better to be a more dedicated mother and wife. I was bogged down with the stresses of life and running to the coffee machine throughout the day because I had no energy. Instead of enjoying my life everything started to feel like a chore. I also began to put on weight and feel sluggish and unmotivated. I felt like I had to make a choice between putting myself first and caring for my family.


I realised there had to be a better way to life than this and I was not giving my best self to my family. I asked myself, what if the opposite were true? What if it is even more selfish to not to look after myself because everyone is then getting the exhausted, grumpy, depleted version of me instead of the BEST version of me?

I began to show up for myself like I never had done before AND guess what? I started to lose weight, I was full of energy and had more clarity than I had in years. Most important, I began to love my body. No more negative self-talk.


That’s when I learnt  The 90-day Total Body Transformation and began to help others, using these exact steps that I used. Now it is my goal to help you connect the dots and show you EXACTLY how you can do this too, no matter how far off track you have fallen.


My vision

To help as many people as possible reach their optimal health and live their best possible life.     I introduce change without you having to remember to be different. 


We are focused on what you can have instead of focused on diet and deprivation. We believe there are as many diets as there are people therefore we take a tailored holistic approach to every client. We understand that everyone is very busy and we are here to make your life easy and hold you to the highest vision for yourself even when you are unable to. 

Home: Services

6 Week Weight Loss Breakthrough Program

"My weight was always fluctuating and I was depriving myself of delicious food, now I eat what I want and love my body."



Package Benefits:  


  • Learn how to set smart goals for your weight loss journey.

  • Learn ways to optimize your weight loss and blood sugar levels

  • Reclaim your health while eating foods that taste delicious and keep you energised.

  • Discover which foods work best with your individual body type and lifestyle to maintain energy throughout the day.

  • Support to identify and overcome obstacles that have kept you from succeeding in your health and weight loss efforts in the past.

  • Have someone on your side to celebrate your successes along the way and help motivate you to reach your ultimate goals.


Package Elements:



  • Initial 60-minute, “Set Yourself Up for Success” session. We’ll discuss the obstacles that you encounter, create a personalised plan with your vision and goals, and develop the foundation for your health/weight loss breakthrough.

  • 5 Weekly 45 minute 1:1 support coaching sessions.

  • One 15-minute “Help, I am struggling’ emergency call when you feel stuck or unmotivated.

  • Curated handouts and self-discovery exercises to keep you on track and moving forward.

  • Unlimited email support between sessions. (Allow 48 hours for a response)



o All sessions are via phone or Zoom video (your preference)




90 day total body transformation PROGRAM 

"I was lacking energy and feeling uncomfortable in my own skin now I am energised and love the way I look and feel."


Package Benefits:  


  • Learn how to set smart goals for your health and weight loss journey.

  • Find out how to be different without having to remember to be different. We will work together to make you a priority within the context of your busy lifestyle. This is empowering you to take charge of your life and your health without compromising everything else.

  • Find out what’s been stopping you or slowing you down from having the body you want so you can set yourself up for success.

  • Deep dive into why you and others around you maybe sabotaging your health journey without you even realising.

  • Learn how to link pleasure to align with the choices you want to make, taking being healthy from something you ‘have’ to do to something exciting you ‘get’ to do.

  • Reclaim your health while eating foods that taste delicious and keep you energized in a fun sustainable way that fits in with your life.

  • When you see that you can achieve your goals in regards to your health, you will be able to move forward in achieving goals in other areas of your life.

  • Align yourself with the life you desire in the easiest and most enjoyable way possible, while learning strategies to prevent sabotage or going back to old ways.


Package Elements:


  • Initial 60-minute, “Set Yourself Up for Success” session. We’ll discuss the obstacles that you encounter, create a personalized plan with your vision and goals, and develop the foundation for your weight loss breakthrough.

  • 3 x 45 minute per month 1:1 support coaching sessions.

  • Two 15-minute “Help, I am struggling’ emergency call when you feel stuck or unmotivated

  • Access to session client guides

  • Curated handouts and self-discovery exercises to keep you on track and moving forward.

  • Unlimited email support between sessions. (allow 48 hours for a response)


 6 Month Ultimate Wellbeing Program.

"I was struggling to stay motivated and keep my weight off, now I love my body and am thriving in all areas of my life.'



Package Benefits:  


  • Learn how to set smart goals for any area of your life.

  • Learn ways to optimise your health and wellbeing so you take on any challenges you face in your life.

  • Reclaim your well being, feel energised and love the life you are living.

  • Support to identify and overcome obstacles that have kept you from succeeding in your health and in life.

  • Have someone on your side to celebrate your successes along the way and help motivate you to reach your ultimate goals.

  • Deep dive into why you and others around you maybe sabotaging your health journey without you even realising.

  • Learn how to link pleasure to align with the choices you want to make, taking being healthy from something you ‘have’ to do to something exciting you ‘get’ to do.

  • Reclaim your health while eating foods that taste delicious and keep you energized in a fun sustainable way that fits in with your life.

  • When you see that you can achieve your goals in regards to your health, you will be able to move forward in achieving goals in other areas of your life.

  • Align yourself with the life you desire in the easiest and most enjoyable way possible, while learning strategies to prevent sabotage or going back to old ways.


Package Elements:


  • Initial 60-minute, “Set Yourself Up for Success” session. We’ll discuss the obstacles that you encounter, create a personalised plan with your vision and goals, and develop the foundation for your wellbeing .

  • Monthly 45 minute 1:1 support coaching sessions.

  • Weekly check-ins via text to ensure you are on track for success. 

  • One per month 15-minute “Help, I am struggling’ emergency call when you feel stuck or unmotivated.

  • Curated handouts and self-discovery exercises to keep you on track and moving forward.

  • Unlimited email support between sessions. (Allow 48 hours for a response)

FREE Total body

No other coaching program combines the right SYSTEM, the right SUPPORT and the right ACCOUNTABILITY the way that Total Body Transformation does, so you can create the beautiful body and the ultimate health that you want. 


In this session, you will discover:


  • What’s been stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from having the body you want

  •   Identify the most powerful actions that will move you towards the body you desire.

  •  Complete the consultation with the excitement of knowing EXACTLY what to do next to create the body you truly want

  •  A powerful vision for your Body Transformation, and what it will mean for you and for your life

  • Which foods and lifestyle habits are bringing your body down….and what to do about it

  • A step-by-step plan to create a Total Body Transformation in 90 days or less



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What is a health coach?

With the relentless demands of work and life responsibilities, what we are doing to try to transform our bodies is no longer working and we're looking for something greater. Sometimes people don't know what to do to change their bodies, but more often it's that we're stuck in a rut and don't know how to get out of it. 95% of our behaviour occurs out of habit,

either unconsciously or in reaction to external demands. That's why we struggle to make changes that last. Even when the need for change is obvious and our intentions are strong, we often fall short. That's a problem, and all the diet industry can offer is "Eat fewer calories and exercise more." If that worked, it would've worked.

​­­­And that the average person makes the same New Year's resolution ten separate times without success?

Why is that?

Because they don't have support or accountability.

That’s where Health Coaches like me come in, to provide the right SYSTEM, SUPPORT, and ACCOUNTABILITY so you can – finally – make a total body transformation.

Will you put me on a diet?

No. Definitely not. We work together to focus on what foods give you energy. We will focus on all the yummy nutritious foods you  get to eat rather than diets and deprivation.
I want you to make healthy habits for life!

Where are the sessions located?

I am Located in Melbourne, Australia but I assist clients  from anywhere.

All sessions are done over the phone or facetime/zoom so you can be comfortable in your own space. If you would like me to be present for something you wish to achieve, this

can be discussed further during our sessions. 

Do I have to quit coffee?

No . I’m not going to force you to give up anything. Often clients end up wanting to reduce caffeine as part of their new

healthy lifestyle  and I have a step-by-step  guide to assist with this.

Home: Contact
Green Goodness

What My Clients Have To Say

Katherine. C 

Until I started working with Bec I did not know it was possible to make myself a priority between 4 children and my career. She has shown me how to put myself first in the context of my busy lifestyle and I have lost 6 kg!!! Now my whole family is benefiting because I feel amazing and I’m giving them the best of me instead of an agitated, exhausted version. She has truly changed my life, I am forever grateful! Thank you!

Heather. B  

‘Bec is an amazing health coach. I started working with her 4 weeks ago and have already achieved many of my goals with her support and guidance. We video chat once a week to discuss goals and methods to achieve them. It's great having a health coach keep me accountable, and the online approach works for me as I live in QLD. Before working with Bec I was on a diet and was going to the gym every single day to do group fitness classes but was still not getting 'results'. I felt like a failure. I didn't realize at the time that in order to achieve the results I wanted I needed to change my thinking and learn how to set smarter, achievable goals, and curb the negative self - talk.

Kristy . P

Bec has explained things to me in a way I’ve never thought about in regards to foods, exercise and even chewing! Having Bec for support has made me reach goals I always thought I would get to at some stage, but now they have actually been accomplished. 

Really enjoying our one on one coaching session, and rehashing each what has and hasn't worked well, Cant wait to see what the next few weeks bring. Thanks Bec!’

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Will you put me on a diet?

No. Definitely not. We work together to focus on what foods give you energy. We will focus on all the yummy nutritious foods you  get to eat rather than diets and deprivation.
I want you to make healthy habits for life!

Will you put me on a diet?

No. Definitely not. We work together to focus on what foods give you energy. We will focus on all the yummy nutritious foods you  get to eat rather than diets and deprivation.
I want you to make healthy habits for life!

Will you put me on a diet?

No. Definitely not. We work together to focus on what foods give you energy. We will focus on all the yummy nutritious foods you  get to eat rather than diets and deprivation.
I want you to make healthy habits for life!

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